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Tag: Delphix

At 4:08pm today, we will launch Delphix Server at DEMO. At the presentation, Richard Rothschild from TiVo will describe how they have been using Delphix. TiVo, of course, has been canonized as technology that changes the way we live or work. My past work on DTrace was described by users as “TiVo for the kernel” — a revolutionary technology from which there is no going back. The comment that “Delphix is like TiVo for databases” is all the more profound coming from the Senior Director of IT at TiVo.

I was introduced to the notion of virtualization in 2000 when some of my classmates signed on at VMware. Later in my work at Fishworks building storage products, storage virtualization was an important topic. Virtualization of both servers and storage decouples the work that’s being done, the computation or I/O and data persistence, from specific, inflexible physical resources. Those physical resources can then be used more efficiently (saving money) and moved around more quickly and easily (saving time).

Databases, while not themselves physical resources, are bound to physical resources in an analogous way. They are tied to equipment, duplicated many times over, and complex to provision and deploy — much like both servers and storage. Delphix brings virtualization to the realm of databases, abstracting them away from their physical resources, and creating the same benefits as virtualizing compute or disk. In contrast though, since databases are not tangible like a rack-mount server or storage array, databases can be seamlessly pulled into the virtualization framework, or, just as easily, recast and deployed as physical databases.

Check out the broadcast live today (or here after the fact), or take a look at today’s eWeek article. We’ve also got some videos posted with more info on the product and customer testimonials. As I write this, I’m midway through my second day at the company; I look forward to writing more about the technology as I dive in.

As I wrote about last time, I’ve left Oracle. What I was looking for in my next gig was technology that excites me, excellent management, and a chance to build something significant and successful. I’m confident that I’ve found those things with Delphix.

In the established database market, Delphix creates a virtualization layer that simplifies the management of data and reduces duplication and waste. Why’s that interesting? The most important data is in databases, so building a layer between data and storage is incredibly powerful. The software to achieve that can then grow in a variety of directions, from data analysis and tuning, optimization at the level of the operating system and file system, to integration up the stack. The notion of storage virtualization is popular albeit vague one. Delphix brings both a concrete definition and value as well as a unique, application-centric focus.

Delphix builds on top of OpenSolaris which was, of course, another compelling reason for me to join. The Solaris group constructed a platform unique in its facilities for developers and in its comprehensive manageability. As I looked at various prospective employers I came to an even better appreciation of how tough it would be to work in an environment without DTrace, and mdb, and pstack, and libumem, and SMF, and FMA, etc. etc. Of course now Oracle has withdrawn support for OpenSolaris, but we won’t be going it alone (stay tuned for more on that).

It’s that combination of technology that’s interesting both at a high level and in the details, a management team that’s experienced and hungry,  innovation in a market where we can have a lasting impact, and an initial product that proves the potential yet with many hard problems still left to solve. But it’s the people who build a company; Delphix both has a great team and a commitment to assembling talent second to none. I’m excited to get started (… after a couple of weeks of much needed decompression).

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