Walk around almost any software development shop or university CS department and you’ll be struck by the underrepresentation of women. At least you would be were this not an expected norm of our industry. And of course much has been written about this recently hot topic in Silicon Valley. What do companies and organizations do about it? At Delphix our culture is one of focus and purpose; our approach to diversity follows in that spirit.
We’re now in the third year of offering the Delphix Scholarship for Women, our contribution to encouraging more women to pursue a technical degree and enter the industry. The scholarship recognizes women whose projects embody some of the cultural attributes we value highly at Delphix such as exploration, creativity, and end-to-end ownership.
In previous years we’ve particularly recognized women whose projects addressed needs they saw first-hand, solutions that they wanted to use themselves. We love seeing how applicants identify problems and work creatively on novel solutions owning the whole process from inception to delivery. Submissions close on Sunday, November 15, 2015 at 11:59pm PST; I can’t wait to see what you come up with.