DTrace has cast light on parts of the system that were previously only dimly illuminated by previous tools, but there have been some parts of the system frustratingly left in the dark. The prevalent example is Java. Java has been relatively unobservable with DTrace; the jstack() action has offered a narrow beam of light into interactions between Java code and the rest of the system, but we really need is Java probes in the DTrace framework.
DTrace users really want to be able to trace Java methods in the same way they can trace C function calls in the application (or in the kernel). We haven’t quite reached that Xanadu yet, but Kelly O’Hair (with the inspiration and prodding of Jarod Jenson) has created JVMPI and JVMTI agents export the instrumentation provided by those frameworks into DTrace.
For example, examining the size of Java allocations is now a snap. The object-alloc probe fires every time an object gets allocated, and one of the arguments is the size.
# dtrace -n 'djvm$target:::object-alloc{ @ = quantize(arg1) }' -p `pgrep -n java` dtrace: description 'djvm$target:::object-alloc' matched 1 probe ^C value ------------- Distribution ------------- count 4 | 0 8 | 43 16 |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 18771 32 |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 17482 64 |@@@@@ 5292 128 |@ 1486 256 | 106 512 | 165 1024 | 319 2048 | 149 4096 | 48 8192 | 0 16384 | 1 32768 | 1 65536 | 0
One of the most troublesome areas when dealing with production Java code seems to be around garbage collection. There are two probes — that fire at the start and end of a GC run — that can be used, for example, to look for latency spikes in garbage collection:
bash-3.00# dtrace -s /dev/stdin -p `pgrep -n java` djvm$target:::gc-start { self->ts = vtimestamp; } djvm$target:::gc-finish /self->ts/ { @ = quantize(vtimestamp - self->ts); self->ts = 0; } dtrace: script '/dev/stdin' matched 2 probes ^C value ------------- Distribution ------------- count 16777216 | 0 33554432 |@@ 1 67108864 |@@@@@@ 3 134217728 |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 16 268435456 | 0
Let’s say there’s some itermittent problem where GC takes a long time. This sort of script can help you identify the standard behavior and the outliers, and other DTrace facility — notably speculative tracing — will let you drill down on the source of the problem (“I care about these events only when the GC run takes more than 10ms?).
One of the most exciting moments early on with DTrace was observing the flow of control from a user-land function through a system call and into the kernel — as far as I know we were seeing something that hadn’t been done before (Bryan‘s last example in this blog post demonstrates this). Here’s a script that instruments a particular Java method (java.io.InputStreamReader.read()) and follows the thread of control from that method call through Java, libc, the system call table, and the kernel — and back out:
#pragma D option quiet djvm$target:::method-entry /copyinstr(arg0) == "java/io/InputStreamReader" && copyinstr(arg1) == "read"/ { self->interested = 1; self->indent = 0; } djvm$target:::method-entry /self->interested/ { self->indent += 2; printf("%*s -> %s:%s\n", self->indent, "", copyinstr(arg0), copyinstr(arg1)); } djvm$target:::method-return /self->interested/ { printf("%*s indent, "", copyinstr(arg0), copyinstr(arg1)); self->indent -= 2; } syscall:::entry /self->interested/ { self->indent += 2; printf("%*s => %s\n", self->indent, "", probefunc); } syscall:::return /self->interested/ { printf("%*s indent, "", probefunc); self->indent -= 2; } pid$target:libc.so.1::entry /self->interested/ { self->indent += 2; printf("%*s -> %s:%s\n", self->indent, "", probemod, probefunc); } pid$target:libc.so.1::return /self->interested/ { printf("%*s indent, "", probemod, probefunc); self->indent -= 2; } fbt:::entry /self->interested/ { self->indent += 2; printf("%*s -> %s:%s\n", self->indent, "", probemod, probefunc); } fbt:::return /self->interested/ { printf("%*s indent, "", probemod, probefunc); self->indent -= 2; } djvm$target:::method-return /copyinstr(arg0) == "java/io/InputStreamReader" && copyinstr(arg1) == "read" && self->interested/ { self->interested = 0; exit(0); }
Not especially beautiful — I had to hand roll my own flowindent — but the results are pretty spectacular. I’ve uploaded the whole shebang, but here’s an abbreviated version:
-> java/io/InputStreamReader:read -> sun/nio/cs/StreamDecoder:read -> sun/nio/cs/StreamDecoder:read0 -> libc.so.1:malloc -> libc.so.1:_smalloc <- libc.so.1:_smalloc sun/nio/cs/StreamDecoder:read -> sun/nio/cs/StreamDecoder:ensureOpen sun/nio/cs/StreamDecoder$CharsetSD:implRead -> java/nio/CharBuffer:wrap -> java/nio/HeapCharBuffer: -> java/nio/CharBuffer: -> java/nio/Buffer: -> libc.so.1:malloc java/nio/Buffer:position <- java/nio/Buffer:position <- java/nio/Buffer: <- java/nio/CharBuffer: <- java/nio/HeapCharBuffer: java/nio/charset/CharsetDecoder:decode -> sun/nio/cs/US_ASCII$Decoder:decodeLoop -> java/nio/ByteBuffer:hasArray java/nio/CharBuffer:hasArray sun/nio/cs/US_ASCII$Decoder:decodeArrayLoop ... <- sun/nio/cs/US_ASCII$Decoder:decodeArrayLoop java/nio/charset/CoderResult:isUnderflow <- java/nio/charset/CoderResult:isUnderflow java/nio/charset/CoderResult:isUnderflow java/nio/Buffer:position sun/nio/cs/StreamDecoder$CharsetSD:readBytes -> java/nio/HeapByteBuffer:compact ... java/io/FileInputStream:read -> libc.so.1:read -> libc.so.1:_read -> genunix:pre_syscall -> genunix:syscall_mstate <- genunix:syscall_mstate read -> genunix:read32 genunix:read -> genunix:getf -> genunix:set_active_fd <- genunix:set_active_fd genunix:nbl_need_check genunix:fop_rwlock nfs:nfs4_rwlock -> nfs:nfs_rw_enter_sig <- nfs:nfs_rw_enter_sig genunix:fop_read nfs:nfs4_read ... ... ... genunix:fop_rwunlock nfs:nfs4_rwunlock nfs:nfs_rw_exit genunix:releasef -> genunix:clear_active_fd genunix:cv_broadcast <- genunix:cv_broadcast <- genunix:releasef <- genunix:read genunix:post_syscall <- genunix:post_syscall <- libc.so.1:_read <- libc.so.1:read java/nio/Buffer:position java/nio/Buffer:flip java/nio/Buffer:remaining <- java/nio/Buffer:remaining java/nio/charset/CharsetDecoder:decode -> sun/nio/cs/US_ASCII$Decoder:decodeLoop -> java/nio/ByteBuffer:hasArray java/nio/CharBuffer:hasArray sun/nio/cs/US_ASCII$Decoder:decodeArrayLoop ... <- sun/nio/cs/US_ASCII$Decoder:decodeArrayLoop java/nio/charset/CoderResult:isOverflow <- java/nio/charset/CoderResult:isOverflow java/nio/charset/CoderResult:isUnderflow java/nio/charset/CoderResult:isOverflow java/nio/Buffer:position java/nio/Buffer:position <- java/nio/Buffer:position <- sun/nio/cs/StreamDecoder$CharsetSD:implRead <- sun/nio/cs/StreamDecoder:read <- sun/nio/cs/StreamDecoder:read0 <- sun/nio/cs/StreamDecoder:read <- java/io/InputStreamReader:read
To me that’s pretty exciting. From a unified framework, we’re able to follow a single thread of control across multiple languages, privilege modes, and execution environments using multiple instrumtation methodologies to get one clear and bright view of that’s going on. Obviously, having all method entries and returns coming from two probes isn’t ideal and — in the fullness of time — we hope to have much better and more tightly integrated support Java in DTrace, but this is a first step and you can use it today. The performance impact can be pretty hefty depending on how you invoke the agent, so while this may or may not be applicable in production, this should be a huge benefit for developers (including, apparently, our own in-house Java developers — care to explain all the calls to mutex_trylock(3c)?).
I encourage you to check out Kelly’s DTrace/Java Agents and feel free to comment about your experiences.
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