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Month: March 2007

The Texas Ranger himself, Jarod Jenson, has written a nice article about using the new DTrace probes in Java SE 6. If that’s up your alley, you should come to the talk Jarod and I will be giving at JavaOne in May. We’ll be talking about some of the new features in Java SE 6 and potentially previewing some new features slated for Java SE 7. This will be our third year at JavaOne — it’s great to see how much progress we’re making each year.

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Ian Murdock has left the Linux Foundation to lead the operating systems strategy here at Sun. The last few years have seen some exciting changes at Sun: releasing Solaris 10 (which includes several truly revolutionary technologies), embracing x86, leading on x64, and taking Solaris open source. That a luminary of the Linux world was enticed by the changes we’ve made and the technologies we’re creating is a huge vote of confidence. From my (admittedly biased) view, OpenSolaris has been breaking away from the pack with technologies like DTrace, ZFS, Zones, SMF, FMA and others. I’m looking forward to the contributions Ian will bring from his experience with Debian, and to the wake-up call this may be to Linux devotees: OpenSolaris is breaking away.

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